SEN & Disabilities


The specific objectives of our SEND Policy are as follows:-

  • To ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are able to join in with all the activities of the school.
  • To identify children who require SEND support following a process of careful monitoring and assessment. Our first priority is to ensure that children receive ‘Quality Teaching First’ in the classroom and that effective classroom strategies are adopted.
  • To discuss with parents their children’s strengths and difficulties alongside assessments and to make a plan to achieve the desired outcomes.
  • To discuss with children their progress and targets as appropriate.
  • To follow a graduated approach to interventions, following a four part cycle of assess – plan – do – review.
  • To choose the most effective interventions and closely monitor them.
  • To liaise with outside agencies, following consultation with parents, to seek further advice and support.

The schools Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) is Mr Jeff Seatter.

Mr Alex Barnett is the Governor responsible for Special Educational Needs and Disability.

Please see our Special Educational Needs policy and SEND offer below for further information on our SEND provision.

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