

Getting On Together

At Oldfield Park Infant School we believe that all children deserve to be taught in a supportive, caring and safe environment. Good behaviour is actively promoted. Anti-social behaviour including bullying is unacceptable.

We are extremely vigilant and seek to intervene quickly where behaviour is inappropriate and upsetting an individual or group of children. Although incidents of bullying are rare here we know that it can happen in any school.

We have developed leaflets for parents and children so that our policies and guidelines are clearly explained to everyone.

Through our programme of Personal, Social and Health Education, discussion in assemblies and our positive approach to behaviour all children are helped to realise that bullying is unacceptable.

If you believe your child is made unhappy by the actions of others please talk immediately to the class teacher.

Each year we plan and hold a ’Friendship Week’ to reinforce anti-bullying messages across the school community.

Health and Safety

The school places a high priority on safety. We have a secure site with entry points to the playground and school building accessed via a key fob system. 

A member of staff is on duty on the door between 8.50am and 9.00am. 

If you visit the school at any time please enter via the main entrance gate and doors, and speak to a member of the office staff. They will be happy to help you, or fetch your child if you need to collect them for an appointment or other reason. 

We ask that all visitors to the school sign in at reception where you will be given either a lanyard or a sticker. 

Our playground is next to the footpath. We ask that parents avoid passing by during playtimes and trying to make contact with their children. We discourage the children from talking to any passers by and we are highly vigilant with regards to this. 

Medicines in School

  • Children are not allowed to bring drugs or medicines of any type to school including cough sweets etc. An exception to this can only be made in the case of prescribed medicines with the Headteacher's permission.
  • We will ask you to complete a Medicine Form available from one of the administration team in the school office. No medicines will be administered by staff unless this form is completed.
  • All medicines are kept in a lockable cabinet or in the staff room fridge.
  • If your child is prescribed a medicine that has to be taken up to three times daily it should usually be possible for all the doses to be given at home.
  • Staff are not permitted to give non-prescription medicines such as Calpol or Aspirin. 

We have an Asthma Policy in school which allows children to use inhalers. It is essential that the class teacher is informed so inhalers can be kept in a safe place away from other children. 

We ask that all parents of children with ongoing medical needs complete a Health Care Plan 

If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea, please keep them at home for 48 hours after the symptoms stop. Infections of this kind spread very quickly where young children are concerned. 

First Aid

We have a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy which we all follow. However, unfortunately accidents do happen. All accidents are recorded in an accident book and medical attention is administered by First Aid trained staff.

Parents are contacted if additional medical care is considered necessary or if the child is particularly distressed.

If parents/guardians are not available the named contact person will be telephoned. Parents are asked to keep contact information uptodate, in particular mobile phone numbers.

In the event of an emergency and if it is considered that a child needs hospital treatment an ambulance will be called by the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher and parents notified immediately.

School Health Service

The school nurse, Helen Mason, dentist and audiometrician (hearing) visit Oldfield Park to carry out routine health inspections, dental checks, vision and hearing tests. Should any problem be found, parents will be informed and further advice made available.

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